The Masha and the Bear Omniverse Project (Mashaverse) represents a groundbreaking convergence of a massively popular global brand, digital education, entertainment, and artificial intelligence through blockchain technology. By leveraging the renowned intellectual property of Masha and the Bear, the project pioneers a Web3 ecosystem designed to engage children in educational content and interactive play.
This whitepaper v2.8, dated 29.04.2024, outlines our vision to harness the storytelling power of this beloved brand, transforming it into a dynamic digital universe.
- Version: 2.8
- Date: 29.04.2024
- Project Website: Amverse.io
- Authors:
- Max Smetannikov, [email protected]
- Dmitry Stakhin, [email protected]
- Contact Information: [email protected]
Empowering the next generation through the intersection of technology, education, and the timeless tales of Masha and the Bear.